Sunday, July 7, 2013

Screw the Easter Bunny and relaxing vacation is not helping, either

Does the title sound too negative? Hm, maybe but I am really exhausted and nerve wrecked, sorry. As written in March we were hoping that the Easter bunny would be "nice" and bring what would have been a wonderful Christmas present. But it didn’t happen so “screw the Easter Bunny”.
We spend nearly three weeks of a wonderful vacation in May and were really optimistic. After two weeks I knew that the relaxation and frequent BD did not help. My poor DH was confronted with permanent wet eyes… Lovely situation when you’re at an airport and heading out for a weekend with friends who have a toddler. I was scared to meet the little guy as I didn’t know if I could stand a happy family. But he was so cute that we instantly had a crush on each other.
Last week, I saw my doctor for discussing the possibilities to help getting pregnant. Organically, everything is fine. Next Friday I will get the results of the blood sampling and hubby has an appointment at the end of this month. I have another one next month but am really hoping that I won’t need it. Well, we keep trying and will take one step after another. Keep your fingers crossed!


A short remark on the commenting function:
I was pestered with anonymous spam comments of people trying to promote their commercial pages. I have disabled the anonymous comment function. Sorry, but 10 spam comments per day are too much.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julia! I'll be sure to keep you in my thoughts :-) I'm Heather and I wanted to know if you would be able to answer my question regarding your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com
